10 Best Practices for Your B2B SaaS Landing Page to Increase Conversions

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There’s no worse feeling than putting all your efforts into a landing page and barely getting a bump in your conversions. And chances are, you won’t get it right the first time around. There are countless steps you can take to better your landing page. If you’re looking to up your landing page game, here are some of the best practices.

Best Practices for Your Landing Page

1. Optimize your home screen

There’s no truer statement than “First Impressions Last”. Assuming that a majority of your landing page visitors are on a desktop. Pay attention to the first things visible on your page before the user has to scroll down. Avoid large images, large font sizes and designs that shade over the more important aspects of the site.

Too little information and you’ve lost the visitors attention before you even have it. Too much information and you risk the chance of overwhelming your user and possibly diluting your message. Find the fine line between providing the appropriate information and overloading the visitor with information.

2. Limit Distractions on the landing page

In today's fast-paced world, each second counts, especially since the human attention span is currently around 8 seconds. We’ve all been there, one minute you’re shopping for socks on your favourite e-commerce site and the next thing you’re 20 minutes into the “suggested for you” rabbit hole, and you’re selecting a delivery address for The Remote Controlled RGB LED 3000 for your room(This may or may not have happened to me). We as humans are easily distracted.

The same applies to your landing page. Limit outbound links and navigation which could potentially take the visitor off your landing page. Remember the landing page’s purpose: turn visitors into leads. Omit header and footer sections of the page. If you do include navigation to another page, be sure to have it open in another tab so your landing page is still open.

3. Show why your product is the best

Your SaaS product is the best to ever hit the market! You do things in ways other companies could only dream of! This isn’t always gonna be true but it’s how you convince your visitors that matters. Your product has to be the highlight of the page, and the visitors need to feel a fear of missing out (FOMO).

Your product needs to add value to the visitor's life. Propose a problem and a solution to that problem. Then explain how your product solves that problem in a better way. It might not be something innovative, but it’s the presentation that catches the eye.

4. Include short videos

Videos have the power to convey a paragraph worth of information in about a minute. This also works hand-in-hand with the short attention span mentioned in this article. Spell check software Ginger increased conversions by 15% when they started adding video to their landing pages.

Write a well-thought-out script before shooting the video. Try short and long videos on the page, ranging from 10 seconds to highlight any attention-grabbing benefits, to 30 seconds to 1-minute videos that lists out the various features and functionalities of the product. You could go the extra step and add video testimonials to further authenticate your product.

5. Have a catchy header message

Provide a short header message that states what your product does in a sentence. This is usually the biggest text on the page and is meant to catch the viewers attention. Think of this as bait to keep the visitor on the screen as it helps with dwell time(refer to point 10).

Use words to invoke emotions of your target demographic, or statistics to highlight your product. An example of each would be “Find out why XYZ is Gen-Zs favourite platform to collaborate” or “Users have cut their processing time by 50% by switching to XYZ”. Get creative and think outside the box to concoct a hook to keep them interested.

6. Tell your product/company’s story

Your SaaS landing page should be relatable to the visitor. The easiest way to do this would be to go through the story and challenges of building the product. You can have an about us page to better help relate to your company.

Many companies fail to delve deep into the niche and elaborate on their product. If you’re a B2B SaaS company, chances are your audience have a little bit of technical know-how. While explaining in detail requires more words, it paints a clearer picture about your product which might facilitate the process of choosing you over your competitors.

7. Emphasis on your products strengths

If your SaaS product can do the same thing other products can, 20% faster, that’s your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Be sure to emphasize your USP multiple times throughout the landing page as this reinforces the point in the viewer's mind.

Hey, maybe they tell a friend and you get free word of mouth marketing.

8. Don’t overcrowd the page

If there’s one thing we can learn from Apple’s product or package design, it’s that less does more for you than more does. Sticking to a simplistic yet robust design for your landing page can benefit you greatly as it also draws attention to the important points.

Implementing a minimalistic landing page design can also make way to integrate directional cues. Directional cues are best used to increase conversion rates. There are endless ways to integrate directional cues and choosing the right one varies on the landing page.

9. Use positive language

Reinforce positive feedback and plus points about your product. This can be done by using positive and actionable language through your landing page. Avoid passive words and stick to more active and energy-filled words such as “Sign Up Now”. Emphasize the purpose of the page multiple times. If it’s a sign-up page, have a signup form at the top of the page, at the bottom, and as a popup.

10. Optimize your landing page

What’s the use of having a landing page if it’s not supported on certain browsers or devices. This doesn’t reflect well on the company or the product and chances are, you’ve lost that lead forever.

Set up heat maps for your landing page to get a better insight as to which are the high clicked spots on your landing page. This is a gradual process as your site can only be improved over time. If they’re clicking on a photo or text, you could link your objective link to that element.

To Wrap It Up...

By gathering information over time, a well-optimized landing page can convert prospects into leads. Because landing pages are so important for conversions, it's critical to make sure they're well-thought-out, developed, and implemented. Conduct surveys to better understand your target demographic, which will help you design your landing page better.