How to Cure Landing Page Bounce Rates?

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High bounce rate is a typical aggravator for even the best of marketers. It is one metric that marketers want to keep in check and fix on an ongoing basis. 

A bounce is when someone visits your site and doesn’t interact in a meaningful way, and then leaves (in a span of a single session). The cause for the anxiety is pretty legit considering how much weight your landing page has on your marketing campaigns and high bounce rates means deteriorating conversions. Unbounce’s conversion benchmark report shows an average of 9.5% conversion rate for SaaS! (Median 3.0%).

And if you are not keeping your user experience in mind while making your landing pages, the numbers could be worse.

What is a Good Bounce Rate?

This is a tricky yet important question to ask because bounce rates aren’t one size fits all. Different industries have different benchmarks. For example, a B2B website is more difficult to convert than an eCommerce one.

Source: CXL

Even if you take the industry average into account there are still other moving parts such as the channel (where your visitors are coming from) or the purpose of the landing page (schedule a demo, lead gens, etc.)

To keep things simple, let’s just take the industry average as a reference. According to CXL’s benchmark, 60-90% is the range B2B companies fall in. If you are below this number, you’re probably doing fine. 

Steps to Fix it

Let’s say your numbers are within the industry standards, and your conversion rate is also half-decent. Does this mean you should be content with those numbers? 

No! Just remember that your bounce rate is directly related to your conversion rate.

Yes, there are many moving parts in your landing page but they can all be optimized. Let’s take a look at them one at a time.

1. Create Multiple Landing Pages for Different Keywords

When it comes to landing pages, the more the merrier. According to Hubspot’s State of Marketing report, having more than 40 landing pages increases the conversion rate to 500% whereas having 10-15 pages only give a 55% rise.

Remember, we talked about having highly focused landing pages? This is where it comes to play. A high intent visitor will convert only if he sees his specific problem being resolved. 

Start with your buyer’s persona and keywords associated with it and create multiple landing pages based on the multiple use cases you have.

Now it’s not necessary to have 40 landing pages for running a successful campaign but it's not a crazy number either. Many experts use landings to A/B test their messaging and then double down on their wins. 

2. Optimize for Relevance

You visited a page through an ad promising a fix for a problem you're facing. But the page you landed is talking about something else entirely!(you'll bounce off faster than a marketer can say lead magnets!)

The rule of thumb is that your messaging needs to match your visitor’s expectations. 

Irrelevant messaging is easily the biggest offender of high bounce rates. Make sure the channel you are getting the visitor to has the same messaging and it isn’t misleading.

It’s also a good idea to use the words used in your ad copy on your landing pages. Also, you should be using the same elements like images, logo, brand colors to create a message match.

This way your user is certain you are not deceiving them. They are getting exactly what they clicked on. And you don’t end up generating irrelevant traffic.

3. Are you Being too Intrusive?

Do you like strangers asking you for your better half’s social security number? Yeah, no one does.

Yet many pages you visit have intrusive forms asking way too many questions. Your website is a stranger to your visitor, so only ask questions you really need to. More often than not an email id and a first name should suffice your needs. 

But it’s not uncommon to ask for a few more key details like the visitor’s job role and some more info for creating a better buyer’s persona. Keep these questions as minimal as possible.

Just know that every optional field you add decreases your odds of converting visitors.

4. Pops are Disruptive—but They Don’t Have to be

Let’s be honest, no one likes pop-ups. The internet is filled with it, and chances are you saw one not less than 5 minutes ago. But the question is—do you even remember it?

Pop-ups by nature are intrusive and spammy, and most people have started filtering these out like white noise. As a result, the conversion rates on most popups are very low. The intrusive nature hampers the website UX flow and increases the bounce rate.

However, this is mainly the case of poorly made pop-ups.

We talked about Exit-intent pop-ups last time. And the most important thing we mentioned was to keep the content relevant. And also trigger it only if the visitor has spent a considerable amount of time on your page.

The rules remain the same. Craft your popups with the user in mind and think if it could improve the user experience. Provide your visitor with value and be relevant. In turn, see a direct impact on your conversions.

5. Include a Single, Clear Call to Action

You should also think about what specific action you want users to take when they’ve gone through your page.

The more CTAs you include on a single page, the more chances of confusing and overwhelming your visitors.

Keep your CTA’s to the point and in the line of sight. A blaring red CTA placed incorrectly can give off an intrusive ad button vibe and that would be something most internet users have been conditioned to filter out subconsciously. 

6. Optimize for Mobile

53 percent of all traffic is now mobile. Take a look at most of your day-to-day activities. Your mobile phone is deeply integrated into your life and so is it for your ideal customer. 

Ignoring mobile is saying ciao your potential visitors. You must make sure your page loads up the way it’s intended for a mobile phone. 

7. Is your Site Navigation Effortless?

Most visitors look at a landing page in a specific pattern. A good landing page will keep the visual hierarchy in mind. This refers to the placement of elements on your page in a way the visitor naturally skims any site page.

If your layout isn’t how humans view content they will be thrown off and will eventually lead to a bounce

Present your website in an F or Z-shaped pattern to gauge their attention and accomplish your goals.

8. Focus on your Site Performance

Chances are most poorly performing sites are slow to display and slow to respond to inputs. Poor performance increases bounce rates by a ton.

Your page's load time directly impacts bounce rate. According to Pingdom, the average bounce rate for pages loading within 2 seconds is 9%. As soon as the page load time surpasses 3 seconds, the bounce rate soars, to 38% by the time it hits 5 seconds! 

Make sure the images and font you use are well-optimized and don’t become the reason for a poor experience. Use Google’s Search Console to get speed insights and advice on making your site fast-loading.

There are many factors that impact site performance. Here’s an article by Neil Patel on a few to look out for.  

9. Use Trust Signals to Up your Conversion Game

Trust signals are elements that are displayed on websites to help customers feel more secure in their decision. 

If you’ve been to any products website lately you might have seen things like:

-Money-back guarantees

-Awarded by (a reputable association)

-As featured in

-Our partners

These are any elements on a page that leverages  “trust by association” to increase their credibility.  

To establish trust you need to create assurance that others have indeed used your product and in fact, liked it. Testimonials are social proof. Use positive customer reviews or even better— an industry expert’s recommendations to up your credibility.

Learn more about trust signals here.

Parting Notes

Bounce rates can be highly contextual. At the same time, often a simple landing page will do its job as long as you keep it relevant. So if there was just one takeaway from this article— let it be that.

Swear by the KISS principle (Keep it Simple stupid!) and aim for meaningful conversions.

Do you have a tip to boost landing page conversions? Write to us, let us know!

Till then, Keep Improving Saas!💪⚡