How to Use Case Studies to Show the Value of your SaaS?

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What do you do when you wanna buy a product? You look up the price. What then? How do you access the product, before using it? You check the product ratings and reviews on search engines, hoping to find real-world use cases and experiences of people who bought it before you.

Talk of B2B SaaS offerings, the ticket size becomes big and use cases peculiar. How do you think a company decides if they want to use your tool within their team? Saas businesses need to give them a good reason to get favoured. It becomes important to show how your product is actually worth their time and money, and what other customers have to say about it. 92% of customers are more likely to buy a product after reading a positive review about it.

Case studies have the potential to reach out to newer potential customers or convince a customer on the fence about your product. Part of the case study however is the presentation. Too much data and you’ll lose them by the third line. Too little data and the customers might feel like they’re being kept in the dark.

There are a few things to keep in mind which come in handy to make the case study more appealing to the customer. Here is all what you need to know:


No, please don’t gaze into their eyes and lean in hoping for some sugar(unless the potential customer is your spouse). The KISS in question is “Keep It Simple, Stupid”, a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy back in the 1960s.

The principle states that most systems work best if the process is kept simple. You can apply this principle to your case studies as well. Highlight the vital information, display general information, and omit redundant data. Don’t waste your customer’s time by having them read paragraphs upon paragraphs of interviews and technical jargon. 

Have a Hero

A hero is a customer who’s used your product for at least six months and their business has seen positive growth. These types of heroes are optimal as they are an establishing business, and can be relatable by customers interested in your product.

They can be approached for testimonials or analysis of their growth data. This can cause them to have second thoughts, but they can be convinced by agreeing to have them review their data before final publication.

Look at the bright side

Go into the study with your potential customer’s persona based on your best customer. This can cause your case study to have a more positive approach to every step as you’d be looking at it from a more positive point of view.

This doesn’t mean don’t publish the drawbacks of your product. This would do more harm than good. Instead, have data displaying product relevance, customer feedback, specifications, and walls. Think of yourself as a customer and what would you want to know about the product before investing in it.

Be the Chosen One

Make yourself favorable in the eyes of your customers. Give your customers a reason to choose your product over the others. Brand loyalty starts even before a customer buys your product. 

Your case study can make a very compelling case if there are strong enough reasons to back these claims. Having a list of all the features updates, proposed revisions, and future projections can tilt the odds in your favor.

Your best customers are your best friends

If your case study has an interview section, why not interview your best customers? Sometimes having customers express their own opinions can open up a new goldmine of language that the interviewer probably wouldn’t have thought of. 

The customers, having used the product can give feedback about the product, no holds barred. A customer would trust the word of a fellow customer over the producer. Make sure to also include details such as how long they have been using your product, how long they’ve been in business for and so on. Go into detail as this builds the authenticity of the interviewee as well as your product. 


Your case study should inspire action. Clarify what you expect the customers to do next by clearly stating the action phrases. Take the sales process one step further. At the end of the case study, ask them to sign up for a free demo. 

You can create and "grab" specific popups for clients leaving the case study page so you can re-communicate or suggest that they take the next step. You want your case study to be feasible. Multiple action-inspiring phrases also help drive engagement and ensure that customers aren't just jumping to the next page

Just Imagine

By showing how your target market-like customers are using your software, you plant seeds where you can see how your prospects will use your product.

Ask them to talk about the features they use most and how they can help them every day. Again, don't just say that, show your benefits through social proof.

Same story, different perspective

Don’t be afraid to tell the same story from a different perspective multiple times in your case study. Have stories from the sales team, the marketing team, the research team, or any other department. 

Having multiple perspectives for the same product creates depth for your product. It helps the customer understand the product much clearer and hopefully relate to it.

Like Legos

Just like how multiple legos come together to form one big lego structure, have all your stories and perspectives contribute to one overarching big picture. This acts as dots that the customer can connect.

You could hire professionals who can draw out a map of the process and plan the research and interviews in such a way that the big picture purpose is served. 

Format and design

One of the most important factors of a case study is its formatting and designing pre-publishing. A well-designed case study can be easier to digest, appealing to the eye, and memorable. A poorly formatted case study can quite often be uncomfortable to read and can be off putting to the customer. This can cause your relationship to end before it even begins.

In the End

A well articulated case study can hit home with a lead and can help them convert into a long term account. It not only helps a B2B business sell by example but also helps businesses build brand loyalty.