The Role of Email Marketing in B2B promotions

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Email is one of the oldest forms of digital communication and it still rules the business communication throne. As B2B businesses adopt new marketing trends like social media, many might think email marketing is dead. But, email marketing helps businesses connect with their potential clients in a personalized way. Infact, email marketing tools help you streamline your efforts and engage with the right target audience in an easy efficient way. 

With over 4 billion email users, the global dominance of email marketing is definitely rising. With a massive ROI of 122%, email marketing is four times larger than other digital marketing channels. Marketing via mails deliver better results than any other channel. Infact, according to studies

  • 81% of B2B marketers use email marketing as their go-to form to reach out to potential customers.
  • 87% of B2B marketers state that email is one of their top free organic distribution channels.
  • 31% of B2B marketers state that email newsletters are the best way to acquire leads.
Source- CMI

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways of business communication. You can’t afford to miss out on the many benefits that email marketing has to offer:

Personalized Communication

Personalization is the most important factor when it comes to communication. Businesses are now focusing on personalizing their communications with clients to establish long-term relationships. The biggest benefit of email marketing is the ease at which you can personalize your content.

Personalized communication can be as compact as including a contact’s name in the email. As a  matter of fact, emails that include the recipient’s first name in the subject line have a higher click-through rate. Personalized emails show your audience that you care about their interests. This helps them trust your brand and service offerings. 

Segmenting your marketing list according to your customer’s interests can help establish a stronger relationship with your business. Through proper segmentation, you can personalize your messaging and create a greater impact. Email communication can be segmented according to various demographics - age, gender, income, education, religion, nationality etc.

It is safe to say that personalized communication is an effective way of adding a human touch to businesses.


While other forms of marketing channels can be costly, email marketing is cost-effective. There are no advertising costs, print or media costs involved in email marketing. In B2B settings, email marketing is one of the most lucrative forms of online marketing and is easier on the pocket. 

Promotion and ads designed can cost you thousands to generate business leads, while email marketing can do that with minimal investment.


One of the main goals of any business is providing the right value to the right audience, at the right time. Adding value to your customers can help you connect with them on a personal level. 

Emotions largely drive buying decisions. 

In B2B companies, email marketing is relationship-focused and is useful for growing clientele. If you keep adding value to your customers, they will pay attention to what you say. This attention translates into brand loyalty and eventually, higher ROIs.

Email is a communication channel where both parties engage at their mutual convenience. It is far better than calling clients and interrupting their busy schedules. Sending an email is always preferred rather than invading their personal space.

Measurable Results

You can’t improve what you don’t measure.

It is essential for B2B companies to monitor the impact of their marketing campaigns. Various analytics tools make measuring your campaign metrics a breeze. Efficient resource utilization is crucial for the long-term running of any B2B business.

You can track and analyze delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates and content engagement for email communication and evaluate the digital marketing efforts. This allows you to optimize future campaigns accordingly. 

These indicators help businesses to identify areas of improvement to deliver better customer experiences. 

Mobile Optimization

For B2B companies, targeting personalized emails that are mobile-friendly go a long way in developing strong relationships. Business representatives are more likely to check emails via mobile devices. 

Several companies ensure their emails are easily accessible across devices. Opting for mobile-friendly designs has a higher open rate and a click-through rate. Businesses need to leverage responsive designs for a better content experience. 

Boosts Site Traffic 

51% of users discover new websites through emails. Strategic use of CTAs can help you direct the reader to your website. 

The most effective approach is to create specific landing pages that relate to the content being discussed in the email. The goal is to convert your audience. The more you immerse them in your site, the more likely they are willing to convert into buyers.

Improves SEO

Emails are short yet effective value-packed content pieces and they have a direct SEO benefit. Redirecting readers to your website will actually help you control the quality of the traffic. Visitors from the emails tend to be more interested in your content and drive organic traffic.

For B2B businesses, an effective email marketing strategy and a mailing list can work wonders and drive high-quality traffic to the website. Emails are a great way to promote multiple pieces of content. This boosts the website’s ranking on google search results.

To Wrap Up

Email marketing is an age-old marketing strategy, yes, but it’s definitely not dying. Sure, there are other social media platforms that strike each day, but email marketing is gold. 

In the wheel of marketing, email acts as a spoke between businesses and customers. Email marketing has evolved significantly since its inception and it still continues to be a powerful tool for marketers. As businesses increasingly adopt automation technology, email marketing will become even more customer-centric and a great initiative for personalized marketing campaigns.